Sunday, September 4, 2011

"Oh _________________"

For the third year in a row, I completed the Cheetah Run, a 5k race at the Cincinnati Zoo. While I improved on last year's time, I still didn't meet my goal of finishing in under 40 minutes. But this year, I had an excuse: I fell.

My friend and I had just passed the one mile marker. We rewarded ourselves by slowing to a brisk walk. Before I realized what was happening, I was on the cement, my knee and hands scraped and bloody, and I said, "Oh &#@$" (insert a word I only say while driving, stuck behind a slow driver in the passing lane, while running late). I immediately put my hand to my mouth and said, "I'm sorry!" A lady turned to me: "I'd have said the same thing." A few asked if I was alright.

We continued, disappointed that we'd been slowed and hurrying to make up lost time. Just past the second mile marker a volunteer noticed my bloody knee and offered aid. We paused, again, and tried to sterilize and bandage the scrapes. I'd say we lost at least two minutes.

Three years now I've run this race and said, "I'm going to really start training!" And every year I find myself walking more than I run. I love walking. I love taking my time outside and being able to have a relaxed conversation with my boyfriend, or whomever I'm walking with. I admire those people who train, who get up with the sun and jog most mornings. Sometimes I think I'd like to be one of those people. More often, I relish my extra hour of sleep and my evening strolls. Also, I'm far less likely to trip while walking.


Tonja said...

Oh, that's terrible you fell down. I say if you love to walk, then walk.

mkcillip said...

You know, I'd love to run this with you next year, and maybe it'd be the kind of Labor Day plan that doesn't fall through.

August said...

@Tonja, yeah it sucks! I've got scrapes on the palm of my hand, and the bandage won't stay on! It doesn't hurt much anymore; I'm mostly just achy. I do prefer walking, but I also like pushing myself to run sometimes:)

@Mkcillip - yes! You'll probably be much faster than me. My dad's having a run/walk 5k some time next spring, too, and I'll let you know the details when they're available.