Sunday, March 15, 2009

I love Paris in the Springtime

In class I talk about "strong" sentences and words vs. "weak" sentences and words. Always opt for the stronger choice when there is one, and use active voice instead of passive voice. Saunter instead of walk. Be jovial instead of happy unless, of course, you are merely content and not, in fact, jovial. Use strong, specific words that are closer to the meaning you wish to express. Carry instead of being carried. Drive instead of being driven. Control your words and thoughts, instead of letting them control you. (It's easier said than done).

My senior year of high school, my French class took a trip to Quebec. We spent a couple days in Montreal and a couple days in Quebec City. Both were lovely cities, but I especially liked Quebec City. It felt so old and European with its narrow streets and overwhelmingly French language. I'm going back to Paris next month. It's going to be a really short trip, but I'll definitely reserve quite a few hours to sit with a journal and cafe au lait.

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