Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Last week’s five after five

I don’t always blog about it, but I still spend my Fridays drinking wine at a grocery store. Last week’s was eventful for a couple reasons: first, two in our group missed it for the second week in a row because they had the nerve to go to Europe (thankfully, they’ll be back on Friday); second, my downstairs neighbor came along. He chastised me for not buying any of the wine I sample.

“I never buy wine.”

“Well, what kind do you like?”

“I don’t know, all of it.”

“How long have you been doing the tasting?”

“Uh, about a year.”

I felt a little sheepish. Maybe once I get my apartment clean I’ll have people over and will go back through some of my entries and pick out the best red and white wines that I’ve referred to.

As for last week’s, we started with The Jump Stump White – it was delicious and not too sweet. I also liked the Avanti Pinot Noir.

Anyway, I’m taking a break from grading essays. I only have seven or eight more for tonight. I’ve already marked all the papers; it’s just a matter of filling out the rubric and writing more detailed suggestions for revision.

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