If April showers do, indeed, bring May flowers, then Southwest Ohio is due many flowers in a couple weeks. Every day, it's rain. This post is an ode to my favorite umbrella. It had been a gift from my mom -- I had requested an "artsy" one. She picked out a neat umbrella with the image of Caillebotte's "Rainy Day,"and I loved it until it was lost in Wilmington, North Carolina (I let someone borrow it; argh).

The forecast for the next week calls for lots and lots of rain. On the plus side, the grass is
really green.
Side note, not A-Z related. Today I visited my grandmother for Easter. She had given up candy for Lent, and at 1:30 Sunday morning, she bit the head off a chocolate bunny. Ha, she deserved it :)
I used the same word. But what else can we write about today? It's so soggy out.
Hee, I saw that! Such a sweet story, too :)
I had Rihanna's "Umbrella" song in my head all yesterday. "Under my umbrella, -ella, -ella..."
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